This is a light, fresh pudding that lemon lovers will adore, an excellent end to a meal that can be served with any of your favorite fruit.


  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1 whole egg
  • 150 grams of lemon juice
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 210 grams of milk
  • 40 grams of corn flour
  • the peels of 2 grated organic lemons

Grate the peel of 2 lemons and then squeeze them to obtain 150 grams of juice. Put the eggs and sugar in a saucepan and whip them together with an electric hand mixer until they become clear and frothy. Then add the cornstarch and the grated lemon peel, stirring them into the mix. Add the lemon juice and milk and blend to obtain a smooth mixture. Put the saucepan on the stove over a low flame and allow the mixture to thicken while continuing to stir vigorously. Be careful not to let the mixture stick to the pan. After a few minutes the pudding will be ready.  Pour it into lightly greased (with corn oil) bowls or pudding molds. Then put the pudding into the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

If desired, serve the pudding with fresh fruit, strawberry fruit salad, or jam (preferably lemon).


From “In cucina con Lilly” / incucinaconlilly.com